I Visited Golden Hare Books and Loved It!

68 St Stephen St, Edinburgh EH3 5AQ, UK
I've always enjoyed browsing through bookshops, but was never a big reader. However, since I graduated university I've turned into somewhat of a bookworm. So, on the snowiest day of the year, my mum and I found ourselves in Stockbridge and I suggested popping into Golden Hare books to warm up - somewhere I'd been wanting to visit for quite some time. As we stepped through the front door we were greeted by a lovely member of staff who offered us a warm cuppa - now there's the kind of service you don't get at Waterstones!

I'm going to find it hard to convey how wonderful I found Golden Hare Books. The front section of the shop is home to a variety of different books, all of which had beautiful covers, ranging from books on travel to stylised books on art. This section of the store felt almost like a modern art gallery to me, with every book given its own space.

In the middle of the shop there's a pillar displaying their books of the month, and behind that is a cosy space with a real fire. This section also housed their A-Z literature, poetry, short stories, and another wall displaying a variety of books.

The last room, at the very back of the store, is dedicated to children's books. It's a cosy and colourful space. I thought it was great that they arrange events like Sunday Story Time for children too!

To summarise, I loved my first visit to Golden Hare Books and I will be returning soon! While I was there, I also joined their Golden Hare Friends membership (£25). I received a special welcome pack complete with fridge magnet, key token, and questionnaire to fill in so I will receive book recommendations over the coming months! Plus, 10% off books and a free book for my birthday!

 That's all for now, have a wonderful week!

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